Effortless skincare tips for gorgeous skin in summer!

Summer skincare is easy to forget when you are out enjoying the warm weather, but if you would like to have gorgeous skin all summer long, summer skin care is a must!

The hot sun and rising temperatures can burn and dehydrate the skin causing serious problems, some of which can be permanent.  Adjusted skincare during summertime can ensure that your skin always stays hydrated and healthy!

Make sure that you are taking good care of your skin by following these effortless summer skincare tips!

1. Cleanse every night

Your skin may be fine with skipping a morning wash, or sticking to just a very quick wipe with cleansing (aka micellar) water. But when it comes to your night time routine, cleaning off the makeup, sunscreen, dirt, oil, and bacteria jam-packed in your pores is a must!

2. Protect your skin from the sun

In summer, it’s extremely important that you protect your skin from the harmful UV rays! If you want expert advice on ways to do so, just pop over to these guys. Hats, sunglasses, and shade are an excellent protection, but you also need to choose a safe sunscreen preferably SPF 30 (that covers UVA and UVB rays) and remember to reapply it regularly!

3. Prevent dehydration – make the water your best friend!

Keeping your body well hydrated is essential for your skin health.  To avoid your skin getting dehydrated, you should drink at least 7-8 glasses of water daily. If possible, always carry a water bottle with you and remember to drink it at least every 30 minutes. This will hydrate your body, help to wash out toxins and keep your body temperature down.

4. Change the moisturizer

Just like your wardrobe, your skincare too definitely needs a seasonal change.  The favorite moisturizer which you did adore during cooler months may be too rich for your skin during hot weather.

So, you might need to try a different one that is a bit more lightweight in texture, non-greasy, fast absorbing and super rich in antioxidants and skin repair ingredients.  Of course it needs to have SPF too!

5. Exfoliate regularly

If you don’t exfoliate, then summer is the perfect time to get started! If you do exfoliate, keep it super gentle!  Beware of rough scrubs that can cause micro tears in the skin and consider a gentler version instead.

Exfoliating can help your skin look and feel smoother, brighter, and will reduce the likelihood of clogged pores. Remember that exfoliation is required for your entire body and not just your face.

6. Cut Down on Makeup

Summer means that you should ease up on the makeup and give your skin some rest. Wear minimal facial makeup to allow the skin to breathe better. Humidity and heat suppress the skin’s ability to breathe and stress it out.

Avoid anything heavy on the face and embrace the natural fresh look!

7. Get enough sleep

Nobody looks their best when they are tired or sleep-deprived.  We all need to get our ‘beauty sleep’ the recommended 7-8 hours per night to be in our best shape.

While sleeping, your skin creates collagen, and proper sleep decreases dark circles too!

8. Eat healthy – there is no excuse in summer!

There is no excuse in summer for not eating healthy!  Summer is the best season that offers a variety of fruits and vegetables, all of them equally important for healthy glowing skin.

Variety in one’s diet brings a wider array of nutrients, essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, and protect the skin from the damaging effects of the sun and environment.

Eat Vitamin C rich foods (peppers, oranges, lemons), to boost collagen production.  Opt for healthy fats in olives, seeds and nuts, avocados and oily fish (salmon and tuna) as they reduce the inflammation and slow down ageing.

Do not forget your greens to revitalize your whole body and mind!

And here they are our top 8 effortless skincare tips to check out ASAP and enjoy your most beautiful summer looks!

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